En Pire

Harsh noise consanguineous duo, improvised by Sébastien Vigne and Thibault Walter. Confused into the saturation of the entertainement and information empire’s markets, En Pire performs the electric insecure matter digging useless holes and increasing cracks through illusions of the real time accelaration. Body Hacking, Circuit Bending and Efx Bombing.

Technical rider

2 × tables (1 × 0.5 metre approx).
2 × jacks cables to the pa system main output.
1 × amplifier (marshall 1960a or equivalent).
1 × amplifier (ampeg 8 × 10 or equivalent).
Soundcheck 30 minutes would be awesome.

Past performances shared with artists such as

Alec Empire
Anla Courtis
Cracksteel Orchestra
Francisco Meirino
Fuyuki Yamakawa
Keiji Haino
Going Concern

Back Music Sébastien Vigne Thibault Walter